In this sequel to The L Word, we continue to follow the intermingled lives of Bette Porter, Alice Pieszecki and Shane McCutcheon, along with a new generation of diverse, self-possessed LGBTQIA+ characters experiencing love, heartbreak, sex, setbacks and success in L.A.
Genre: Drama
Stars: Jennifer Beals, Katherine Moennig, Leisha Hailey, Arienne Mandi
Premiere Date2019
- S03
S03E10 Looking Ahead
Shane and Sophie challenge old patterns, while Alice discovers "The One" may be closer than she thinks. Dani distracts herself from Dre, until a surprising reveal force her to choose what she really wants. Micah and Maribel make moves toward becoming parents, while Finley takes a big step into adulthood as all of the season’s love, lust, loss, laughs and longing come to a head.
The L Word: Generation Q Season Number: 3 Episode Number: 10 Episode Title: Looking Ahead Air Date: 2023-01-22