96 Min
Jane Tennant, the first female Special Agent in Charge of NCIS Pearl Harbor, and her unwavering team of specialists balance duty to family and country while investigating high-stakes crimes involving military personnel, national security and the mysteries of the sun-drenched island paradise itself.
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama
Stars: Vanessa Lachey, Alex Tarrant, Noah Mills
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt14218674/
Premiere: Sep 20, 2021 (United States)
Following a devastating ambush with a deadly bioweapon, the NCIS team must track down a mysterious terrorist group before they can strike again.
NCIS: Hawai’i Season Number: 3 Episode Number: 10 Episode Title: Divided We Conquer (2) Air Date: 2024-05-06