One family torn between two worlds...
When a massive sinkhole mysteriously opens in Los Angeles, it tears a family in half, separating mother and son from father and daughter. When part of the family finds themselves in an unexplainable primeval world, alongside a disparate group of strangers, they must work to survive and uncover the mystery of where they are and if there is a way back home.
Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Drama, Sci-Fi
Stars: Natalie Zea, Chiké Okonkwo, Karina Logue
Premiere: Sep 28, 2021 (United States)
Premiere Date2021
S03E04 Fire Storm
When a massive fire breaks out, forcing everyone to flee, Sam and Lucas lead the group’s fight for survival. Gavin is kidnapped by a woman with a surprising connection to his old life who may hold the answers about Eve that he’s been seeking.
La Brea Season Number: 3 Episode Number: 4 Episode Title: Fire Storm Air Date: 2024-01-30